Minimalist Monday - 2

Very excited to be entering week 2. Week one went well with the launch of the new site, new look and I got in my new business cards!. I appreciate everyone who's taken the time to take a look and give feed back on the site, the posts and portfolio. Keep letting me know the posts you like by giving a star rating at the bottom... that way I can tell how many people are reading, if they're interested in certain topics, or maybe not interested at all. Don't worry I can't see who gave me what star rating so you can give me one star and I won't even know it's you! But if you do feel like giving it one star I'd love to hear why.

Now, on to the show...

I think what I'll do is - continue to not write the title of the movie in with the poster and then say what it was the next week... Week 1 poster was for my daughter because it was her birthday. She loves Disney princesses. So last weeks was obviously, Cinderella. Most posters will probably be obvious but I hope to start having some not so obvious ones as well. Today is not one of those days! While it's not his birthday, I thought I would post one for my son. He loves this movie! Cars_hi-04
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